So today is King Jon's birthday! YAY!!! and there was much rejoicing in the land!!!! So here is the case you need the it is! Those of you that know KJ at all know that he is very "tech savvy" and he loves to play with anything computer-ish! For example His PDA, "Dexter" so I replicated Dexter! He likes to play video games on Dexter, so I had him pull up a game and I replicated that too....

Here is what Dexter looks like with the game on the screen...KJ is offering a small reward if you know what game it is...hee hee! (note...KJ is offering the reward so who knows what it would be, so don't get your hopes tooo high!)

Here is the side view of the cake, with the SD and CF card slots and other buttons on the sides.

Of course who could pass up playing games....

apparently not these two!

He even let PG help him blow out the candles. PG has a book that has candles in it, and you can fold down the flap and the candles are lit and stuck in a cupcake and he always blows on them in the book...he got a little candle shy though and KJ had to blow both out himself. Over all it was a good day filled with good food, family and friends.
Very creative Laura. That must have taken a lot of planning and work.
That's a great cake! It's Megaman, but I'm not sure which one...we have seven or eight. Gotta love it! Happy birthday, Jon!
Hey mom, I love this cake! hahaha
Jon happy birthday!! 0//
miss you guys!
Rodrigo Zaupa
'aPPY BiRTHDaY JoN!!! :D
RoCK'N aWeSoMe CaKe Ya-Ya!!
Man, I'm so bummed. I missed out. :'(
(I hate being sick.) XO and I was all prepared to answer magaman but Amy beat me to it. all well.
LoVe You aLL!!!
David-Scott says It's from Magaman, the level with Cutman.
And... Happy Birthday! :)
This cake must be tasty!!!
Happy birthday! <:0)
I always will be with you!
Hugs, Vini!
That's VERY impressive. I especially liked the slots and buttons on the side of the cake!
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