22 December 2010

visit with the big man

Santa and Mrs. Claus with the gang...

09 December 2010

Big Man on Campus...

here is our big man on campus!
this summer he learned how to "pump" his legs on the swings to swing higher, he is getting pretty good.
This is him on his 4th birthday, can you believe it? I am over the shock now, but it seems crazy that I have a 4 year old! this was his breakfast the morning of his birthday...notice the baby spoon! silly boy!
there is happiness right there...light saber cakes and his favorite cousins to celebrate with! I don't think it gets better than that for him! :o)
ok, maybe it does get better...a HUGE gun and a real light saber! Happy Birthday PG!!!

KJ does "daddy horse" but he didn't feel like it one day so he taught PG how to do Garen Horsie!

Miss Dars...

little miss dars is a girl all her own! She is in control, or thinks she is...:o)
Check out her matching shoes! Good thing people in public don't look at shoes much or think it's cute when kids dress themselves! (sheesh!)
She is a girl that likes to keep up with the "big dogs" Swinging is a FAV!
here hair is getting SO long and amazing. she loved that I put braids in her hair, she wore them for days!
She is a big helper (especially for daddy!)
and she wants to be the mommy to PR! unfortunately sitting on your children isn't a good idea! :o)
That is our big girl!

Reni update...

This is PR at 7 months...I know the 1st of November seems like forever ago but better late than never...
she became proficient in crawling (which you can check out the video at the bottom of this post) and moved straight into crawling UP things.
She takes a bath with PD and LOVES it!!! She is a bath kind of girl!
She is so HAPPY! she really grounds me some days with I am a little "off"!
This is her on PG's birthday at Arctic Circle, right after this pic, she climbed the first 2 steps. She is getting too big too fast! I took her in for her "6 mo check-up" (at 7 1/2 mo) and she was 19 lbs and 29" long! She is tall like the rest and the sweetest happiest baby!!!

This was a while ago but at least you can see her progress,...:o)

where have I been????

I think life has been hectic...It all seems like a blurrrrr....but we definitely enjoy ourselves along the way....
The kids were helping me wash dishes, until I had to kick them our for the lake on the floor...it was cute though.
For preschool we took a field trip to Wheeler farm. it was cute, the kids really enjoyed it.I posted a Halloween invite on facebook and it put the wrong date and time, until I fixed it...but a family showed up at the first time..so we threw an impromptu Halloween party. We played a few games and made cut out cookies. It was a LOT of fun, I am glad for the mistake.
it made for a batty fun afternoon!
we went to the Logan temple (who is that stud in the grass? heehee)
cuz Missa and Brandon Got married!
which means I got to make a cake...
My Best Cake EVER!! This was serious one of the best cakes I have ever done, and it was very intricate and it turned out BEAUTIFUL!
I the the depth and definition. (thanks Missa for the challenge and a HUGE thanks for Mom Dad and Donna for the help and moral support.)
The first snow of the year...in Oct...

they loved eating the snow!
which also brings on the first hot chocolate of the season!
Fish came out for Missa's wedding and the kids like to hang out with her.
then we had the preschool Halloween party...SO FUN!!
that snow disappeared and made way for the leaves to fall...they are so dang cute!
Then I got to do another cake...YODA! cool huh!
some more play time with daddy...a tent for everyone. I love this pic, they are all so happy!!
More play time with daddy...LEAF Monster I mean!
I love watching KJ play with the kids, it makes us all happy!
then more snow....A LOT more snow!

this is what one of our neighbors did with all of his excess snow...if you can't tell the size look at the house in background...the big on in the middle is at least 15feet tall!! Happy Holidays!!!!

11 October 2010

A true Halloween Horror!

Jon was out playing with the kids this morning and went in to get something and turned and noticed this little fella....
oh you can't see what it is...have a closer look....
Yep, that's right...a BLACK WIDOW...right there, hangin' out....
of course it must meet it's demise....bug spray....
and a flip flop!!!
Horray for MY HERO!!! (I am SO glad he was home to take care of this little Halloween Horror!)


07 October 2010

potty, turning 6 months , preschool and other daily adventures...

One day I could hear PD in the bathroom and went to check on her and I found her helping "pseudo george" go potty. She was nice and held his legs up so he wouldn't get potty on them...
they they walked down the hall together...
She is so stinking adorable! :o)
aren't they lovely...PG may be a talented artist one day, but I wish he wouldn't use the bathroom wall as his canvas...
yep, I made HIM scrub it off...I did also ask him to redraw the family on paper, because I thought it was so good. So now it lives appropriately on our fridge...on PAPER!
one night we played "restaurant" for dinner the kids loved the homemade icecream and cookies.
doesn't that face just "scream for more ice cream"?
she only wished for ice cream...soon enough little girl!
my babies out grow the baby bath way too fast...so I have to be creative ...not that the kitchen sink is all that "creative" but hey...it isn't common at our house. :o)
I helped some neighbors make wonderboxes..they turned out so cute I had to take a picture. It was fun to sew with friends. :o)
the kids enjoyed the pile of pillows too. :o)
PD LOVES to rub backs and get her back rubbed too. She is majorly talented....Look, 2 backs at the SAME time! Everyone was happy...except me! :o)
PR's turned 6 months on the 1st, she is getting so BIG! He favorite snack...flip flops!!! (kind of disgusting but whatever!)
We started doing preschool with a few families in the ward. this week was my week. This lesson brought to you by the letter A, the number 1 and the color Red. :o)
look at our big girl now....She is SITTING!!! And judging by this pic, she LOVES it too! :o)
PG make a fort from pillows...he kept saying "you can't see me, I am hiding in my cave" but he was waving out the window! :o) Silly boy!
this is another common look for Miss Roo. She ALWAYS sucks in her bottom lip and smiles. She is SO cute...I love her!!!
there are my 3 favorite "Yahoos"...Man I love these kids. They add meaning and entertainment and LOVE to my life!
(Also thanks to Camilla for the fun Disney presents! They LOVE them!)

lastly...the video of Roo's latest feet....