28 August 2007

God is a God of miracles.....

....sometimes you just have to wake up to see them! And that is exactly what we did last night. Jon and I got up at 3:30 a.m. to watch the total eclipse of the moon. It started at 2:51 but it was to be complete by 3:52 then stay complete for an hour and a half, then start showing the other side. So, we decided to get up right before it was to complete and watch for a bit, get some pics and go back to bed, that way if it were too cloudy then we could go back to bed and catch it on the flip side. It all worked out, and it was REALLY cool.

it is funny with my camera, because the shutter was open longer to get more light, (i was hoping for a good picture) it let in so much light that you can see more of the moon in the picture than you could actually see. It was bringing the light through the shadow. which I thought was funny because the defeats the purpose of the eclipse. :o)

This one is just a regular picture with no special aperture or shutter speed setting, and this is what we really saw.
this one was cool too, I adjusted the shutter speed so it allowed some light but not too much. it was cool. It was SOOO worth getting up in the night for. It also gave Jon a chance to check on his package. So, he had a hard time getting back to sleep because of the anticipation of getting his laptop today. Well, it just came to the house, so now he just has to make it through the day so he can come home and "play"! I won't see the whites of his eyes for several days now. :o)
Until next time! Later,
Love ME


freethoughtguy said...

Very cool photos! Fog ruined my view ...

Danna said...

Hey Laura do you mind if I steal one of your moon shots? Mine did not come out well, but I took a video, not the best but is creates ambiance with the night noises! :)

princessyaya52 said...

Danna, Of course I don't mind. If I cared, I would have Jon teach me some sneaky way of securing the pictures so that NO ONE could get them...kinda like the soup nazi, only the picture nazi...NO pix for you!!!! I am flattered that you would like them enough to want them. I also have a video...it's not that exciting...just jon and I talking and being silly at 4 am. :o)