So, this past weekend we went to Fruitland, ID to visit Daddy. We had a lovely you will see from the pictures that are to follow.

I gave PG a christmas tree cake...he really enjoyed it as we traveled down the road to ID...I thought it was cute how the chocolate was stuck to the tip of his nose. :o)

So, we got to Logan and Dave and Mindy got things together and we headed out on our long trip. We got past Tremonton (about 40 minutes into the trip) and Dave pulled over because his car was sounding funny. He looked around and all seemed well with the tires so we continued on. A few miles later he pulled over again....we looked around and he narrowed it down to a bad CV joint. But it wasn't just making a funny noise anymore...the car was actually jerking to the Right every so often. I little scary and a lot un-nerving! There is not much you can do on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere in the freezing cold...but PRAY! and that is just what we did. I prayed mainly for 2 things: a miracle that the car would work and get us to ID and back home again. and second, that Dave would have peace of mind. He asked me to drive his car to see if I could figure out what was going on. So, I jumped in and it was pretty crazy. A mile or 2 later we got off in Snowville (the last exit for a LONG time) and pulled into the Flying J. we stood there and discussed the possibilities...then Dave said, maybe if I get some WD-40 and spray it in the CV then it will clean out all the gunk and then it won't stick and pull to the right. (in our heads we said...I am not sure how WD-40 is going to work but hey this was his peace of mind and our miracle we were working for, so if that was his all means!) So, he spent $5 on a can of WD-40, sprayed the CV down really well and drove around the parking lot...the noise was a lot softer and no pulling... Dave had peace of mind and we were on our way. We drove all the way there and back with no more problems. He just sprayed it down everytime we stopped...we got our miracle and Dave got his peace of mind for $5 - in the contents of a can of WD-40! The Lord is amazing!!! I am so grateful for random inspiration and a Heavenly Father that cares enough about us that he gave us a miracle! :o) THANK YOU!

PG got to play with his Aunt and his uncle...they were teaching him the concept of rolling the ball....

you have to let go of the ball for it to roll! He is getting better about it.

He even got to play phone with Grandma! He likes phones now!

He also played with Derek...they played the piano and danced together!

We got about 2" of snow so we took advantage of it at about 9pm saturday was FUN!

It has been YEARS since I went is fun!

KJ decided to not use the was more fun to use his back!
We had a great time! Thanks for letting us come and visit!
We love you!
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