11 February 2009

Laura Needs....

My friend did this on her blog and I thought it was funny! You just google "(Your First Name) needs" and check out the first ten links that come up! It can be pretty funny and sometimes true, as you can see! Here's mine...

1 25 cents and 2 fingers is all Laura needs...(In as much as I could do a lot with these things I am not sure that it is "ALL" I need...)
2. Laura needs some post-toddler love..(I think is is definately TRUE, love from people that use complete sentences and don't whine because they don't get there way is ALWAYS a good thing!
3. Laura Needs - Chicago, IL...( TRUE: I am in fact fond of Chicago, it is a fun place, and I need a vacation, although this may not be the best time of year to go there...the whole "windy city" thing in the winter is NOT pleasant)
4. Yer mom knows what Laura needs...(I don't know about yer mom, but most of the time MY mom does! A hug and good food! :o) )
5, Together, we'll fight evil : Laura needs you continued support...(TRUE, support from friends and family is ALWAYS necessary with battling "e-vil, like the fru-its of the dev-il" - want to join my crusade?)
6. Laura Needs - LinkedIn..(TRUE, I know that this is a thing for people contacting each other in the professional world, but on a more litteral basis, I would like to be linked in with my friends and family so I don't feel so out of the loop)
7. What Laura needs to do to save at-risk kids...(I suppose this could be true, when you are in the service of you fellow being you are only in the service of you GOD...so saving at-risk kids is good, but I don't really know what I need to do to do that!)
8. Laura needs her meds changed...(I will refrane from commenting....you can be creative right?)
9. Laura NEEDS help... (AMEN! is anyone certified?)
10. Dr. Laura says we need stay at home moms...(TRUE!!!! I am lucky enough to get to be one too!)

That was funny! I should do it again sometime....


Unknown said...

LOL I love it!! :) I tried it with my name, but that didn't work as well!

Karen said...

I tried this with my name too, but can't post on my blog because most of them were way inappropriate!