28 October 2007

Dress up is fun!

We had a Halloween Party for Achievement days the other day so PG got to dress up again.
We chose to make him a giraffe this year because he loves George. When he was really little he would want to fall asleep holding our finger...well I was not about to stand by his crib and let him hold my finger so he could sleep...so we got inventive. I got this Giraffe at IKEA in Seattle 3 years ago, well I named him George. As you can see the legs on George are about the same size as a finger...so we would lay him down and replace our finger with George's leg and he would happily drift off to dream land. Here is a pic from the achieves of PG's life...this is exactly what I was just describing. Isn't it sweet? anyway....
Since that time oh so long ago...a life time for PG almost, he and George have become great friends. He mostly stays in the bed but sometimes PG brings him out after naptime to play for a bit before he gets put back. But he needed pulled out for this pic, I thought I giraffe holding a giraffe was cute! :o)
This is Amy and I...we are so pretty!
So David called me the other night...so we talked for a while then he really wanted to talk to Jon about a computer problem. While he talked to Jon I called Manda because she had called while I was on the phone with Dave. She was unavailable when I called back so when she called me back I was talking on KJ's phone. Then Dave wanted to talk to me again...so I got to talk to them both...it was funny, not very interesting for them because they could only hear me not each other! It was funny, so I thought I would show you!
Last night PG and I went to Manda's ward for Trunk or Treat. (KJ was working overtime - so we left him alone with the computer to focus!) PG climbed these stairs then went under the bar and crawled back down through the rocks. He was so pleased!
You should always beware of dinosaurs with guns!! :o)
Not to mention Monkey's with power tools!

23 October 2007

fixed box...

So I was getting ready to make dinner and I was talking to KJ and I happened to look out the kitchen window...and what we did a see? A little doe looking at me! It was just sitting there enjoying the shade of the ivy and watching us through the window. I don't know if you can tell but it is only about 4-5 feet from the house. Once I got PG to actually notice it, his eyes went big and he was fixed on it. He went over the the sliding door and patted his hello, on the window! It was cute.
After dinner, it was time to go help daddy and grandpa fix the mailbox. Last Feb. PG and I went to PA to be there when Kira was blessed. While we were gone, they got a pretty good ice storm. we live at the bottom of a steep hill, and essesially the road "T"'s in front of our house. Well a lady came down the hill and went to turn Right, unfortunately she wasn't able to do that as planned due to the ice and snow....she slide around the corner and right into our flower bed, running over the big rock, knocking out the mailbox and getting stopped by the tree. KJ was at work and I was out of town but she did leave a note with her number. KJ talked her. It is kinda funny. Well, just got around to fixing it! Papa came to help. They dug the hole and reinforced the area with rebar, and made a form for the cement. Notice PG out there "helping", he loves to be outside, especially if Daddy and Grandpa are involved!
While they mixed the cement and talked to the neighbor, PG went exploring in the garage and found the tools! Heaven!!!
After mixing the cement, they had to pump up the tire on the wheelbarrow in order to get it to move to where the hole was that needed filled. :o) Classic!!
Here are the guys pouring the cement. The mailman isn't going to know what to do with a mail box where it is supposed to be instead of propped up by cinder blocks! Heehee!!! Great job Guys!!!
To say thanks, we had Mama and Papa over for Ice cream. Here is PG in one of his favorite places...grandpa's lap! :O) Thanks for all you do!! :o) We love you Papa!

21 October 2007

Adventures of the week!

I have been trying to post for days but for some reason blogger wouldn't let me post pictures until this morning. What good is a post without the pictures to tell the stories? But finally, you get both!!! YAY, and there was much rejoicing in the land!

The other day, I went into the bathroom to get something and of course PG had to follow...after all it is one of his favorite rooms to play in...only because we keep the door shut so he can't play in there...plus there is a myriad of "wonderful" things to play with! (which is probably why we keep the door shut...you think?) Anyway, it only takes him a second when I turn my back for him to do something funny...like climb into the tub. Yes, not only is he walking now, he is learning to perfect the art of climbing...unfortunately he ends up in places that he doesn't know what to do with. This particular time, that was not the case but it was funny. The curtain was closed, he climbed in and happily discovered the hair trap! He was soooooo Happy!!!! :o)
Another of his favorites is OUTSIDE!!! All he has to do is HEAR the front door open and he is running to get there before you close it so he can't get out. So, the other day I took him out and let him play...It was like the happiest day of his life! Filled with tasty sticks, bite-sized pebbles to munch and dirt mounts to conquer! He had a great time, and he looked fabulous as a Garen-o-lantern!

His other favorite play hide-a-way is the "computer room" He here's that sliding glass door open, you just never knew he could run that fast...and if you don't want him in there, you have to LOCK the door! Yes, Mr. Smartie-Pants has figured out how to open this door, a simple slide of the door, step over the track and it is Key board heaven! He really only wants to push our buttons! Heehee!!! So, here he is, he got in, and Daddy is distracting him from the keyboard...He LOVES to be tickled! I love my boys!!! :o)

This Week, Jon's Mom and Paul went to Hawaii for their anniversary. So, we watched Allen. He is a funny guy! This is him enjoying the Halloween party that we had Friday night. I love to dress up and have Halloween Parties! I love any excuse to have a party! This is the Ghoulish spread...Witches Brew in the caldron, taco guts soup, Mummy Hotdogs, "moldy" 6 layer dip, Gremlin cookies, apples and sticky carmel dip, not to mention the graveyard cupcake treats! YUMMY!

Here is Amy as "Sleeping Beauty" and PG as George! I will have more of him later I am sure! :o)
Uncle Isaiah was rough-housing with PG, much to his utter delight. They are both silly guys! :o)
We ran out of witches brew so the (KJ) Rogue, in all his stealthiness brought us some more!
Yesterday we were one of the host houses for the progressive dinner. So the brought us balloons to put on the mailbox so people would know which house to come to. PG just thought they were FABULOUS!!! The 2 were tied together so somehow he go them between his legs so they followed him wherever he went. He was soooo happy! His is clapping! YEAH!!!
Until next time....Happy Haunting!

16 October 2007

Sunday dinner!

Mike, Anna and Zach were in town last week, so we got together and had family dinner on Sunday. Joy came down from Logan and We all had a tasty dinner! (Yummy turkey!!!)

I looked at this and realized that we had half of the family together. It doesn't happen that often but sure is fun when it does! I love you guys! (that is ALL my family!) :o)

Garen was so tired but mostly content to crawl around and "bother" the other kids and also just play on his own. He is playing more and more on his own these days. He walks down the hall to the kitchen, plays in his favorite cupboards , after a few minutes he will come toddling back to see what we are doing, then go back and play. He is a sweet boy!
I would have posted a few more pics but blog spot is having an issue...I am sure there will be more to come later!

13 October 2007

corn-maz-ing fun!!!

So, Mike, Anna and Zach are in town. They decided to invite us to go to the corn maze with them. It was a lot of fun. There aren't too many stories to tell, just pictures to share! So here you go! :o)
This is Jon squeezing through the kid door on the way out of the maze. We won, btw, KJ, Me, PG and Grandma and Grandpa beat Mike, Zach and Manda's family out of the maze. it was a really easy maze. But it looks cool from above.
Here is Farmer PG, he is cute regardless of what he is doing! :o)
Daddy was playing with PG, I thought this was a cool shot, notice the space between KJ hands and PG's body!
PG is soo big and tall. By the looks of this he is 2 ft. 8 in. not bad for 10 1/2 months.
It is amazing how much taller they get! In only minutes too. I have a feeling that will be the story of his life, or mine for that matter. One day he is a little guy and everyday he wakes up and is bigger than before. It will only be a matter of time and he won't be so little anymore! Well, that is all for my sharing for the night. Hopefully I will be able to get some sleep. I have this MONSTER tooth ache and I can't get to sleep...I think it is past time to see the dentist! Unfortunately it is 1 am on Sunday morning and i won't be able to do anything about it until Monday! Which really stinks at this point!

11 October 2007

This and That over the last few days!

I am the achievement day leader for the 8-10 year old girls in our ward. For our last project we created and performed a play. The girls did almost all of the work. They came up with the theme and we wrote the play. they gave me ideas for lines and stuff then I organized it and typed it up. They had 2 songs, "poor unfortunate Noah" (to the tune of "Poor unfortunate souls" from Little Mirmaid") which one of the girls made up with the help of her brother. The other was "the People that don't do anything" (tune: Veggie Tales "pirates that don't do anything" The name of the play was "NOAH"S RODEO" in their boredom on the ark Noah's son's and their wives put on a rodeo with the animals. It was sooo funny, they did a great job! Garen played Shem the short! (don't call him that though, he is sensitive about his height!) hee hee. We made a playbill and tickets and popcorn (thanks Mom!!!!) they did their own costuming as well. Their parents/families came, it was a great evening! We had a good time! They did a Great job!
Sunday in between sessions of conf. we had the Steeler game on. I had to get a pic of PG drinking his milk while watching the game. Technically speaking he is not supposed to watch TV but I made a small exception for the Steelers.
This is PG dancing on the table right before the other pic was taken. He was so proud of himself because he climbed up there all by himself...then he fell off bruised his eyebrow...all by himself! Crazy kid! :o)

after general conf. was over, we made popcorn. Grandpa put the big bowl on the table. The little boys were in HEAVEN! Ransom and Garen were eating popcorn by the handfuls. It was very cute! Luckily, no one choked or anything. We just enjoyed our time with the family.
Monday (8th) we went to Logan to hang out with Joy and her family. These are pictures of fall in Sardine Canyon. The pictures don't really do it justice but it was MAGNIFICENT!
The oranges were amazing! and the snow added an interesting twist to the normal peak fall colors! :o)
I bought this shirt last year when it was on sale for like $2. At the time I was still pregnant so I figured that 12mo. would be big enough....I didn't know I would be giving birth to a Large baby! He is in 24mo. clothes...fortunately this shirt runs a bit large! So he will still be able to wear it this year then I will put it away for the next munchkin!

04 October 2007

Garen is almost a walker.....

I tried to upload a video of PG walking but it didn't work, maybe I will try again another day! Hopefully it will work sometime, because it is really cute!Last night we had french fries, like most kids Garen loves that! Look at that smile. Full of potatoes!
I have moved PG into 18-24 month clothes. They are a tad bit big but that is how it goes. I took this one this morning. he was ncmljmnju yy (notice PG trying to help me type!) complaining about something, so I looked over and had crawled into his pjs and was stuck. Maybe I am mean but it was too funny not to take a picture of. He does this when they are too big for him. But he gets frustrated that he can't move. Man I love this kid!

03 October 2007

I CAN do it!!!!

Ok, So I just have to share this with the world. No one else probably cares but I am going to share anyway. Hopefully you will not judge me for this but I am really excited. At the end of May I was finally tired of how I looked. I put on quite a bit of weight with Garen. (part of it was understandable, in that he was not a small baby!) anyway, I hated looking in the mirror and having only 2 pair of pants that I could actually get into, and hey why buy new, when you hope that miraculously the weight will go away and your old clothes will fit again. But that wasn't happening. So I decided to take matters in to the only hands that could control it....mine! I started walking, and counting calories. It was the best that I could do, for that matter it is the best that I am still doing. Manda found SELF.COM, it is Self magazine's online help for loosing weight and being healthier. I signed up and was able to log my food and exercise everyday for 3 months, I was able to see how much I was taking in and compare it to how much I was burning off. I also signed up though our insurance for a wight loss rebate (earn $60 for loosing 10 pounds and keeping it off for 6 months - and $1/each additional pound lost) and an exercise rebate (exercise for 100 days and get $60) as more motivation - as if looking and feeling better isn't enough...free $$$ is always good! I also enlisted my friend to walk with me. It is easier to walk when you have good company. Anyway, I got on the scale this morning and found that I have now hit the 20 pound mark. I have lost 20 pounds since the end of May. It may not seem like a lot to some, and you may even look at my pictures and think - man she has a lot more to loose! - that may be true but it does not lessen the excitement on my accomplishment. I am almost half way to my goal. I think that is something to celebrate. The cool thing is that that last 1-2 pounds that I just lost was while on vacation. I like that I got a lot of exercise on vacation so eating ice cream and chocolate from Ghiradelli's was OK. Moderation in all things. I know I have a long way to go yet, but I am even more hopeful now that I CAN, in fact, DO IT! I hope you don't mind my rant, I just had to share!
I got this far! Yeah!!!