10 June 2011

Preschool graduation...

For PG's Preschool graduation, we went to the park and played for a little bit then had lunch and a little ceremony. For preschool a few Mom's in the ward and I took turns teaching all the kids. it was great fun. The kids LOVE music and art and science and they did really well at learning their letters and numbers and writing. I am super proud of my little boy!
The girls sharing a swing at the park

look at that handsome dude!
and this cutie babe!
I LOVE when this big girls SMILES! She can light up the night with smiles like that!
hee hee...she kind of looks like a turtle that forgot to put her front legs out. :o)
up he goes!
PG "graduates" from preschool!!!! ;o)
Pres, PG, Tash, Liam, and AJ - his class
(and my graduation hat cake!)
Teachers and kids! It was a great year! :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That group shot is so priceless. You worked so hard for your children...I know...I did preschool too for a while. So wonderful for the kids! VMB