15 October 2008

Day 7...a blessed day!

On the 12th of October 2008 was Adara's blessing day!

She was SO happy! As were we.  With the renivations going on at Mom and Dad's causing most of my siblings being here it was a blessed day indeed.  

We woke up to this, and it continued to snow off and on the rest of the day too.  
It was beautiful too!
and fortunately with it being a fall snow it wasn't unbearably cold.

Here is our little princess in her princess dress. 

She was so beautiful and well behaved for the whole thing.  And the blessing was short but wonderful.  She has some great gifts that I look forward to seeing developed.  I am so happy that she is a part of our family.  She makes our home a little more complete.  We love you 'Dara!

She was tired and done smiling, but I had to get a pic with her before she went to bed. 
After church we went to Mom and Dad's for a little luncheon.  
Here is the baby train! (Tahlia, Logan and Adara)

The little boys had a TON of fun playing with Uncle Michael after the luncheon.  I think he enjoyed just as much if not more than they did!  :o)

I wanted to get a picture of the church where she was blessed too...here is the bountiful tabernacle at night.  it really is an awesome building!


Blue Ribbon Family said...

Happy day! I am so sorry that I missed it. I really struggled that morning with trying to decide what I should do... It looks like she was just beautiful! She was so full of smiles! And the snow... just crazy, huh!

The Sorensen Bunch said...

She is beautiful!!!! Is that red hair I see?? SNow already?...NO!