27 March 2008

Flowers are "happy"!

A few days after we moved into our new place I planted my amaryllis that I got for christmas. It has been fun to watch it grow...it would grow inches in a day...and on Easter morning it started to bloom. This is the end product. It is so pretty.
On of PG's favorite pass times it sitting on things! He doesn't care what it is as long as it is "higher" than the floor. I use the word higher loosely, since it could be a piece of paper sitting on the floor and he will walk over turn his bum to it, half bend over with his bum sticking out and then plop his little bum right on whatever it is. Recently he is into balls and truck (most boys are I know) so that is what he plops onto! He is pretty good at sitting on rolling objects. :o)

One cool thing about PG spending so much time at Aunt Manda's recently is all the things that he is picking up from his cousin. Ransom runs around saying "appy" for Happy all the time and the other day I noticed that PG learned to say it too!

a new do....

Maybe it is being pregnant, maybe it is boredom, maybe it is spring...maybe I just need a change? I don't really know why, but I was tired of the old and in need of the new. So I did it. I went and got my hair cut. It is shorter than usual, but I am really pleased with it. KJ LOVES it! Here are the pics...you can decide for yourself.right when I got home from the salon.

this morning after I did it myself! (I actually like it better this way!)

24 March 2008

Easter fun and treats!

Here are a few pictures from our Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma Buckman's...

Here are a few pictures of the monkey cake meeting it's demise....

Here are a few of the family pictures that we took with our new Easter shirts...

22 March 2008

I've been tagged...you may be next!

DIRECTIONS: SCATTERGORIES...it's harder than it looks!
Copy and paste. When you are done, tag others and notify the one who tagged you that you completed it.
*Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...
*they have to be real places, names, things...nothing made up!
Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial.
You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question

  1. What is your name? Laura
  2. 4 letter word: love
  3. Vehicle: lexus
  4. TV Show: Love Boat
  5. City: L.A.
  6. Boy Name: Larry
  7. Girl Name: Lucy
  8. Drink: lingonberry juice
  9. Occupation: Librarian
  10. Something you wear: loafers
  11. Food: lip balm (...if you are PG!)
  12. Something found in a bathroom: laundry
  13. Reason for being late: labor
  14. Cartoon Character: Lisa simpson
  15. Something you shout: Laura
Um...I tag manda

Easter is here....

The other night Dave was visiting from CO, and we dyed easter eggs...Last year was technically PG's first Easter but he was only a few months old so didn't really care. So, here is his "first" attempt at dying!
How 'bout orange!
Now for the face!
I don't think he knows what to think...but his egg looks great!
this is one of PG's Favorite places to hang out. It is a little shelf that just sits downstairs with nothing on it...it is probably better that way...he would just pull everything off and sit down anyway! :o)
I made a jello cheese cake yesterday...I let PG lick the spatula, He really enjoyed it.... I wonder where he gets it from?

No monkey-ing around!

So, Derek is turning 2 and the party is today. I got to make the cake. Mindy said he is into Curious George...this was my best attempt!
OK, so it doesn't really look like Curious George but I had to post it because I think it look AWESOME!! I have been soooo excited since I finished the head last night! Then today I added the bananas! Hee Hee! Cake decorating classes payed off I guess! :o)

19 March 2008

Rub-a-dub-dub and firefighters!

Rub-a-dub-dub, 3 boys in the tub!!
Since my sister had her baby on Monday, (YEAH!!! Welcome to the World little Tahlia!) I have her 2 boys. They are a handful, but fun to have around. PG has enjoyed the playmates! IN the morning we have breakfast then they take a bath. I had to get a pic of the "3 men in the tub and who do you think they be? The butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker" You can decide which is which! :o)
Then once we get life together we walk down to the park. It is called "firefighter's park" because it is right next to the firehouse. Well, today they had the latter truck out and were doing stuff so we went over to check things out. The firemen were VERY nice! The boys LOVED it!
Ashton got to wear his hat!
PG is all about the "GRUCK"!!!
All 3 climbed in for a few minutes...(ransom is behind PG)Here they are, the happy trio! Sitting on the truck with their cool new hats!
Thank you Firemen!

12 March 2008

Alive and kicking!

I had my midwife appointment this morning... and I took a little video of the baby's heartbeat. That is my favorite thing about going to the CNM, hearing LIFE! I hope you enjoy it too!!

11 March 2008

Did you vote????

The results are in.... Here are a few pictures. I know they are hard to see but they really are what they say they are. It looks better on the video. Having said that, I doubt you really want to sit through the 15 minute silent movie of my placenta! :o)
But in case you did want to see it, here is the placenta!
for this one I will take their word for it! :o) Here are the little piggies! If you look really close you can see the flat part of the feet and some little round spots for toes...look at those big feet!

Here is the face! on the left is the arm with the hand curled under the chin. then there is the mouth, lips are parted. and right below the arrow is the nose! Such a pretty baby already!
on the right is the head with the spine curving so nicely to the left...oh so sweet!!!
Now this is the results! You will have to stretch you imagination a bit to see it but here it is!
In the big black middle section on the left there is a whitish part that is the bum and on the right on that same whitish part is her other bum! (the other white spots in the black middle are her feet)
So it looks like 66% of you were right! Good Job!!!
We are planning on naming her Adara Rose Pabst!
Isn't she so BEAUTIFUL!!

The PG update!

PG is still up to his same old tricks but he is so cute about them all that I keep sharing them!
He is getting so grown up these days. He loves to do what the big kids do! (Why shouldn't he...he is the same size!) I am so proud of him for how much he has grown and developed in the last month or so. He has about 10 spoken words, about 25 signs and is working on about 5 more signs. He is getting really good at communication. I just wish he would listen a little better when I say "don't do that!". Anyway, here he is!!!our little boy in a box! He loves to climb into things...fortunately this one was easy to get out of!
He watched his older cousin climb up a banister at Grandma's house last week, he figured out how do it at home...I pray that he never ends up as a heap at the bottom of the steps!
He love to here you say BOO! so he uses the blinds to hide behind. During the day he likes to sit behind the blinds and play with his cars/trucks...it is closer to outside I think!
He found a pair of goggles yesterday, so I helped him put them on, he had a hard time seeing clearly but he was so happy! Look at that face!
Here is the Sudoku master! He loves pens, pencils, markers...anything that writes! The trick is getting him to use them on PAPER ONLY!
He is doing well and we are adjusting to our new place, I think we are about as settled as we will get! (as far as unpacking boxes!) Our new ward is not standard for UT but we like it so far. I am sure the Lord will make use of us! I look forward to making friends!
Well, that is our life, until next time.....

04 March 2008


My parents took PG and I out to Farmington Bay to see the Bald Eagles. (they are in this part of the state for part of the winter...mainly February) We happened to get there 2 days late. The hundreds of eagles that had been there left because of the warm spell we had. But we did get to see a few stragglers. Here are a few pics that I got of them perched and beautiful! I think there is a good reason why they are the national symbol for Freedom. They are so graceful and strong! I am proud to be an American! :o) God Bless America!

Sorry they are so hard to see but there was a big bog between me and it so I really couldn't get any closer than my 12 optical zoom could get me! :o)